You are here: Home / Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects / Brook Trout Restoration and Expansion in Garth Run, Virginia

Brook Trout Restoration and Expansion in Garth Run, Virginia

This project will restore and improve stream and riparian habitat within a 2,357 foot project area located in the headwaters of Garth Run which was severely impacted by catastrophic flooding that occurred in 1995. Wild brook trout were extirpated as a result of habitat degradation which led to increased water temperatures and a lack of complex habitat. Brook trout were re-introduced in 2008 as part of Virginia's Conservation Strategy as the stream has begun to naturally heal itself. This project will restore 2.3 miles of brook trout habitat.
Application for Brook Trout Restoration and Expansion in Garth Run Virginia
Application for Brook Trout Restoration and Expansion in Garth Run Virginia.
State Support Letter for Garth Run, Virginia
State support letter for Brook Trout Restoration in Garth Run, Virginia.

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