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North River Stream Channel Restoration, Augusta County, Virgina
This project will advance restoration on a 0.75 mile reach of North River in Augusta County, Virginia, within the George Washington National Forest. The purpose of the immediate project is to install a series of cross-vein and J-structure in-stream devices to stabilize flows and to create and maintain low water pools that will serve as essential brook trout habitat during droughts and seasonal low flow periods. It continues a long-term program to restore pool habitat to a historically important brook trout fishery.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
Oats Run, Upper Shavers Fork, Aquatic Passage Project in Pocahontas County, WV
This project will restore habitat linkages between a brook trout spawning tributary in Oats Run and the mainstem of the Upper Shaver's Fork at Spruce West Virginia. One passage barrier will be removed and replaced with passage friendly culverts and natural stream design techniques will be utilized above and below the new structure to ensure fish passage. The project will provide 4 miles of passage for brook trout.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
Raven Rock Dam Removal, Maryland
This project will remove the Raven Rock Dam in Maryland to restore brook trout access to nearly 1 mile of habitat in Raven Rock Creek. Removal of the dam will provide ecological benefits by restoring the connectivity and improving the quality of aquatic resources in Raven Rock Creek. The project will also provide economic benefits by increasing valuable recreational fishing opportunities.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
Relocation of an Unnamed Sea-Run Brook Trout Stream, Maine
This project seeks to reconnect the freshwater-estuarine interface on a historic sea-run brook trout stream. At some point in the past, the stream channel was diverted from its natural channel to its present location. The presence of a low-head dam and two marginally passable culverts have blocked connectivity to the marine environment for several decades. A partially degraded stream channel will be relocated back to its original position and rehabilitated to its historic function to allow brook trout to access both freshwater and marine environments. Once complete, the project will provide access to approximately 1 mile of stream habitat and an undetermined amount of marine habitat.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
Removal of Illegally Introduced and Missed Rainbow Trout from Lynn Camp Prong, Great Smoky Mountain National Park, Tennessee
This project will remove the illegally introduced and missed rainbow trout from the Lynn Camp Prong Watershed in Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Once complete, the project will reconnect brook trout populations in three tributary streams thus eliminating fragmentation in this watershed. This reconnection of stream segments will result in the largest contiguous brook trout population in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
Removal of Two Dams in the Wetmore Run Watershed, Potter County, PA
This project will remove the only two dams in the Wetmore Run Watershed in Potter County, Pennsylvania opening 8.5 miles of habitat for brook trout. Removal of the dams will also eliminate thermal pollution and restore lotic ecosystem function.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
Restoration of Native Charr in Big Wadleigh Pond Maine
This project will restore 157 acres of habitat for native brook trout and arctic charr in Big Wadleigh Pond in northwest Maine by collecting eggs/brook stock from the dwindling adult populations and rearing them in a private hatchery while the pond is chemically treated to eliminate an illegal introduction of rainbow smelt. Restoration will also benefit anglers at this unique and popular fishing destination.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
Restoration of Natural Hydrology and Habitat Complexity in the Machias, Rivers, Maine
This project will remove 11 remnant log drive dams and add large woody debris to restore fish passage, stream connectivity and natural stream processes that will passively restore cold water habitat in the tributaries of the Machias River. A total of 27.2 miles of stream upstream of the dam sites will be affected by the project.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
Restoration of North Branch of the Hoosic River, Removal of the Briggsville, Massachusetts
This project will remove the Briggsville Dam in Clarksburg, Massachusetts to restore and reconnect approximately 30 miles of habitat in the North Branch Hoosic River. Removal of the dam will eliminate a barrier to the movement of aquatic and riparian species, re-establish the river's natural flow regime, improve water quality, improve the temperature regime for coldwater species, and restore natural clean gravel and cobble necessary for brook trout.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
Restoring Aquatic Organism Passage within Wolf Laurel Branch, NC
This project will replace the existing double culverts with a bottomless structure to provide passage for brook trout and native nongame species. Replacement of these culverts will eliminate all artificial barriers within the Sand Creek drainage and reconnect existing populations of southern strain brook trout within approximately 2 miles of suitable habitat.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects