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Brook Trout Restoration in the Chattahoochee National Forest, Georgia
This project will restore fragmented poor quality habitat and brook trout populations on the Chattahoochee National Forest in Georgia by removing and replacing a culvert on Bryant Creek that is perched and acts as a barrier to fish movement. Additionally, nine miles of habitat will be improved by placing 54 structures in nine streams: Bryant Creek, Chester Creek, Lovinggood Creek, Long Creek, Underwood Creek, Walnut Fork, An unnamed tributary to Ammons Branch, Smith Branch, and Chastain Branch. Electrofishing will be used to renovate three streams: Stover Creek, Walnut Fork, and Tate Branch.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
Carloe Brook Fish Passage Restoration Project, Washington County, Maine
This project will replace an undersized and failing stream crossing on Carloe Brook, a major tributary to Clifford Lake, a wild brook trout water. This stream crossing currently limits passage for trout and other aquatic organisms. The crossing will be replaced with a bottomless arch culvert designed to allow flows at all levels. This will open approximately 3 miles of passage for brook trout and other aquatic organisms.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
Project Channel, Bank, & Riparian Restoration to Improve Habitat and Water Quality in Kings River, AR
The natural course and riparian corridor of the Kings River have been significantly modified by various landowners over several decades, leading to channel instability and decreased habitat and water quality. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) purchased a preserve on the Kings River that includes nine miles of river. To protect and restore river and riparian habitat, TNC has created a stream channel and floodplain restoration project along 0.5 miles of the river.
Located in Funded Projects / SARP Projects W2B
Project Community-Based and Larger-Scale Oyster Restoration in ACE Basin NERR, South Carolina
This project will build intertidal shorelines with oyster reefs.
Located in Funded Projects / SARP Projects W2B
Enhancing Connectivity in the Ash-Black Rock Subbasin of the WB Narraguagus River, Maine
This project will replace two poorly functioning culverts with open bottom arch culverts to allow unhindered fish passage and restore overall ecological stream connectivity. Once complete, the project will open 4.3 miles of habitat from Ash Bog Stream to Black Rock Brook which flows to the West Branch of the Narraguagus River.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
Project Greene County Park Stream Restoration and Interpretative Trail NFHAP / SARP Project
Located in Funded Projects / SARP Projects W2B
Project Troff document Kentucky-Bayou de Chien/Jackson Creek Tributary Restoration Project
Located in Funded Projects / SARP Projects W2B
Marshall Brook Culvert Replacement, Hancock County, Maine
This project will replace two existing undersized, improperly set round culvert inhibiting fish passage at the road / stream crossing of Marshall Brook with the Seal Cove Road in Southwest Harbor, Maine with an open bottom culvert. This will provide 4 miles of passage and reconnect a historic sea run brook trout stream with the estuary at Bass Harbor.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
Project Port Orange Living Shoreline and Oyster Reef Restoration System
This project, run primarily by the Marine Discovery Center, will increase intertidal shoreline and oyster reefs and vegetation will be planted.
Located in Funded Projects / SARP Projects W2B
Project Raccoon Creek Stream Restoration for Imperiled Aquatic Species in lower Etowah River Drainage
This project restored stream areas of Raccoon Creek for imperiled aquatic species in lower Etowah River drainage, Georgia. This project has resulted in several new partnerships, including a collaborative planning workshop for Paulding County held by SARP and the Southeast Watershed Forum.
Located in Funded Projects / SARP Projects W2B