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Brook Trout Catchment Scale and Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment

Climate change is currently a high risk threat to the current range of the brook trout due to changing thermal regimes. The effects of climate change may be exacerbated by greater fragmentation from land use changes. In order to effectively rank projects and work strategically, the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture is working on refining the status map to the catchment scale and establishing climate change resiliency rankings for brook trout populations throughout the partnership boundary from Georgia to Maine. JMU in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service and the Service have initiated efforts to determine resiliency rankings for brook trout populations in Virginia, Maryland and West Virginia. This project will allow the partnerhsip to expand this analysis to cover all brook trout habitat from Georgia to Maine.

EBTJV Assessment Update Presentation to NFHP Board April 2012 by M. Hudy

EBTJV Assessment Update Presentation to NFHP Board April 2012 by M. Hudy

PDF document icon NFHAP Board Presentation April 2012.pdf — PDF document, 3678 kB (3766925 bytes)

Document Actions

JMU's Scope of Work for Assessment & Climate Change Project in WV & MD

This is the scope of work for the FY2010 funded catchment scale assessment and climate change assessment for the states of MD & WV. This work was funded by the Fisheries Program of the Service.

PDF document icon WV_usfws.pdf — PDF document, 600 kB (615144 bytes)

Document Actions

Ranking Brook Trout Habitat Patches for Resiliency to Climate Change

Presentation by Brad Trumbo and Mark Hudy in Denver.

PDF document icon Denver_climate_change.pdf — PDF document, 1796 kB (1839951 bytes)

Document Actions

Draft Climate Change Map for EBTJV Jan 2012

This is a draft climate change map created by Mark Hudy as part of this assessment project.

PDF document icon climate_map_ebtjv_jan_2012.pdf — PDF document, 11944 kB (12231542 bytes)

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