You are here: Home / Funded Projects / SARP Projects W2B / Erosion control in Doe/Mill/Wildcat Branch Watershed, Winston County, Alabama, to benefit Rush Darter

Erosion control in Doe/Mill/Wildcat Branch Watershed, Winston County, Alabama, to benefit Rush Darter

This project will reduce the threat to one of the last surviving populations of rush darter (Etheostoma phytophylum)in the Doe/Mill/Wildcat Branch Watershed in Winston County, Alabama to prevent the need for listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

The importance to the Resource:

The Rush Darter is a candidate for listing under the ESA. There are only two known surviving populations, and this project will help protect one of these in an effort to preclude the need for listing under the ESA.

The problem:

One of the surviving rush darter populations in three small tributaries of the Sipsey Fork, Winston County, Alabama appears to be declining primarily due to sedimentation from inadequate best management practices on road maintenance projects.

The objective:

This project will reduce and possibly eliminate the threat of sedimentation from dirt/gravel roads into Doe Creek, Wildcat Branch and Mill Creek watersheds in Winston County. The sedimentation originates at road crossings and in the upper portions of the road saddles. It then drains into the streams.

The Method:

About 3 miles of the crossing of County Road 329/Doe Branch and County Road 327/Mill Creek and the crossing at Wildcat Branch will be paved. Where these roads cross the creeks are critical habitat sites for the rush darter. Winston County Roads Department will maintain the road surfaces and culverts.


20 acres of upland habitat restored

1 mile of riparian habitat restored

2 fishery management plan tasks implemented for populations of management concern

Doe/Mill/Wildcat Branch Watershed in Winston County, Alabama

Associated Locations

Town zip code county state congressional dist


Name of barrier Latitude Longitude FONS ID FIS Project ID FWS Acc. #

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