EBTJV Science and Data
Eastern Brook Trout Science, Datasets and Supporting Materials
The Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture is serving up curated and georeferenced spatial data for partners working in our geography. Some data will be available following the completion of funded projects while other foundational datasets are available now. Newly developed and customized decision-support tools will be served up using an open-source platform through our portal to allow managers and conservation practitioners to make dynamic and scenario-based decisions using the best scientific data. Newly developed and customized decision-support tools like the The Riparian Prioritization for Climate Change Resilience Support Tool allows managers and conservation practitioners to make dynamic and scenario-based decisions using the best scientific data.
Riparian Prioritization for Climate Change Resilience Support Tool
The Riparian Restoration Prioritization to Promote Climate Change Resilience (RPCCR) is a web-based tool to allow managers to rapidly identify high-priority riparian restoration targets.
Aquatic Organism Passage I&A and state design guidelines
This folder contains documents related to aquatic organism passage inventory and assessment protocols and design guidance from state partners.
Brook Trout Related Publications
Peer-reviewed articles pertaining to the Brook Trout and other environmental issues related to conserving this species.
Chesapeake Bay Program
This folder contains Brook Trout-related documents associated with the Chesapeake Bay Program.
EBTJV Reports
This folder contains publications produced by the EBTJV.