Restoration of Riverine Process and Habitat Suitability, Narraguagus River, Beddington, ME
This project has two overarching objectives: 1. Increase in-stream habitat complexity and
suitability in high priority Brook Trout and Atlantic Salmon habitat; and, 2. Increase the
resiliency of Brook Trout and salmon populations. In order to accomplish these overarching
objectives this project will:
- Decrease substrate embeddedness by mobilizing the riverbed and increasing the sorting of mobilized sediments;
- Increase the number and depth of pools;
- Increase groundwater/surface water interactions; and,
- Increase retention of allochthonous organic material that the aquatic food web relies on.
This project will also benefit river herring. This is a high priority project that will greatly improve aquatic habitat complexity in the Narraguagus and augment connectivity and habitat complexity-availability in a groundwater fed side channel that will provide high quality thermal refugia for both Brook Trout and Endangered Atlantic Salmon.
There is an extensive plan for monitoring and evaluation including multi-year fishery monitoring, construction completed to design specs, water quality/temperature parameters, and floodplain.
Completed in Summer/Fall 2022.
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