2015 Projects
Nash Stream Restoration & Columbia Road Culverts, Odell, Coos County, NH
This Project will restore six miles of instream habitat by adding wood and other habitat elements, and will replace two culverts to remediate long-term habitat impairments caused by a catastrophic dam break, subsequent bulldozing and berming, active and passive removal of instream wood and geomorphically-incompatible stream crossings, ultimately resulting in the restoration of thriving wild brook trout populations in Nash Stream and its perennial tributaries.
Upper Shavers Fork Instream and Riparian Habitat Restoration, Randolph County, WV
This project will restore instream coldwater habitat in approximately one mile of the Shavers Fork mainstem, and restore riparian habitat on both sides of the Shavers Fork mainstem in the restoration reach. A partner project will simultaneously improve fish passage and habitat in Powerhouse Run, another spawning tributary of Shavers Fork. These actions will cool elevated mainstem temperatures both within and downstream of the project area, enhance mainstem habitat, increase access to the mainstem forage base, and facilitate genetic mixing within the metapopulation.
Document Actions