Lower Wells Brook Stream Restoration: Post-Construction Evaluation and Maintenance Dover Plains, NY
EBTJV/FWS award: $14977
Partner funding: $83,636
This project will perform post-construction maintenance and 2nd year riparian plantings on a project to stabilize actively eroding streambanks and reconnect the Wells Brook channel to its floodplain. Wells Brook supports brook trout and logger data suggest it could be an important cold water refuge. Ecologial benefits include reduction of sediment and nutrient pollution and restoration of riparian vegetation. Objectives for the first phase include 1400’ of stabilized bank, 10 crossvanes and 5 rootwads.
The Housatonic Valley Association (HVA) is partnering with Rennia Engineering Design, Trout Unlimited, and Trout Scapes River Restoration to restore Lower Wells Brook. HVA has been conducting monitoring and restoration activities since 2013. Wells Brook supports brook trout and logger data suggest it could be an important cold water refuge. Ecologial benefits include reduction of sediment and nutrient pollution and restoration of riparian vegetation. Objectives for the first phase include 1400’ of stabilized bank, 10 crossvanes and 5 rootwads. The post-construction component will be to complete planting a 35’ vegetated buffer (1.12 acres) and perform monitoring. The monitoring plan includes both pre-and post construction geomorphic, macroinvertebrate, and fish assessments. HVA will also assess the performance of the in-stream structures during high water and ensure that riparian plantings become established.
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