Funding Opportunities
Each year, the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture requests project proposals that are focused on conserving and restoring habitat that will support healthy and productive populations of wild Brook Trout. Many activities that improve brook trout populations are eligible. Take a look at some recent projects for examples!
Funding cycles take about 18 months from RFP opening to when awards are made. FY 25 awards should be announced in mid- 2025 but are dependent on a federal budget.
Our FY26 RFP has closed.
We anticipate an RFP for FY27, however the timing for opening the EBTJV RFP has not been set. The FY27 RFP may not be announced until sometime in 2026. The timing of funding decisions and agreements for Fy26 and 27 remains the same, though - the only change is when we are requesting applications from applicants.
FY24 awards were announced in spring 2024.
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Other opportunities
NOAA's Office of Habitat Conservation and Rec Fish Initiative
Deadline 4/15/2025
Webinar: Wednesday, December 4 at 3:00 - 4:00 PM ET (click here to register)
This program supports funding for habitat projects focused on recreational, saltwater or diadromous species species that actively engage recreational fishing partners in habitat protection or restoration. As it applies to EBTJV, this grant opportunity could be used for sea-run brook trout. More widely, any partner who has a species that qualifies could consider applying via one of our neighboring Fish Habitat Partnerships, the Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership or Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership. Contact EBTJV Coordinator for more information.
The total funding available is approximately $150,000.
Chesapeake WILD and Small Watershed Grants - Deadline Tuesday, May 13, 2025.
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), in partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), expect to soon begin soliciting proposals through the 2025 Chesapeake WILD Grants program to conserve, protect, and restore vital fish and wildlife habitat of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributary rivers and streams. NFWF expects to release the 2025 Chesapeake WILD Request for Proposals in the coming weeks and will send a follow-up announcement once the RFP is live. Interested applicants should prepare to submit full proposals no later than 12:00PM Tuesday, May 13, 2025. Final award decisions are anticipated in August 2025.
In 2025, NFWF and FWS plan to offer three distinct grant opportunities through the Chesapeake WILD Grants program:
- WILD Implementation grants of $75,000 to $500,000 will be awarded for proposals that result in direct and measurable on-the-ground conservation, stewardship, and enhancements of fish and wildlife habitats and related conservation values.
- NEW WILD Collaborative Conservation grants of up to $200,000 will be awarded to support the cultivation and enhanced coordination of existing multi-party partnerships and/or networks of partners collaborating and coordinating conservation actions that measurably contribute to WILD Program priorities. We encourage proposals that advance cross-jurisdictional conservation efforts aimed at scaling placed-based actions toward greater landscape-scale habitat conservation and restoration outcomes.
- WILD Planning and Technical Assistance grants of up to $75,000 will be awarded for projects that help advance future on-the-ground actions to conserve, steward, and enhance fish and wildlife habitats and related conservation values in the Bay watershed through community-based assessment, planning, design, and other technical assistance-oriented activities.
While NFWF does not require consultation prior to application, we strongly encourage interested applicants to schedule a virtual proposal lab with NFWF staff here or contact its contracted field liaisons to discuss their proposed project to gather constructive feedback in developing a competitive proposal and to obtain guidance on the most appropriate program and funding opportunity for project consideration. Applicants are also encouraged to review the CBSF Quick Reference Guide and Applicant Toolbox for further guidance on proposal development.
For immediate questions, please contact Jake Reilly ( or Tori Sullens (
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the federal-state Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) partnership, is soliciting proposals through the Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund to protect and restore water quality and habitats of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributary rivers and streams.
Through the Small Watershed Grants Program, NFWF is soliciting proposals for projects within the Chesapeake Bay watershed that promote voluntary, community-based efforts to protect and restore the diverse and vital habitats of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.
Please review the attached Request for Proposals for all program details, including program priorities, important program dates, eligibility criteria, and other important considerations. Full proposals must be submitted through NFWF’s Easygrants system no later than 12:00PM Tuesday, May 13, 2024. A recorded webinar detailing the RFP will be available on the Small Watershed Grants program page by Monday March 31, 2025. Final award decisions are anticipated in August 2025.
While NFWF does not require consultation prior to application, we strongly encourage interested applicants to schedule a virtual proposal lab with NFWF staff here or contact its contracted field liaisons to discuss their proposed project to gather constructive feedback in developing a competitive proposal and to obtain guidance on the most appropriate program and funding opportunity for project consideration. Applicants are also encouraged to review the CBSF Quick Reference Guide and Applicant Toolbox for further guidance on proposal development.
For immediate questions, please contact Jake Reilly ( or Oleksandr Faryga (
BIL information and tracking
The following is a new dashboard of BIL projects for 5 federal agencies:
Federal Fish Passage Funding and Portal
The Joint Committee on Fisheries Engineering and Science through the American Fisheries Society has put together two amazing tools for Aquatic Organism Passage (AOP) practitioners.
Check our landowner assistance page for more grant programs.
2026 Project Application Information
EBTJV Coldwater Stewardship Small Grants Program
EBTJV Coldwater Stewardship Small Grants Program - Read More…
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