EBTJV September 28-30, 2015 Meeting Agenda
This documents contains the meeting agenda items.
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EBTJV Partnership Meetings
EBTJV Meeting September 28-30, 2015
EBTJV Steering Committee Meeting, September 29, 2015
This documents contains the agenda items discussed during the EBTJV's Steering Committee Meeting held September 29, 2015.
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EBTJV Partnership Meetings
EBTJV Meeting September 28-30, 2015
Fish Passage Barrier Removal Fact Sheet Template - Guidance Document
A guidance document to accompany use of the educational template on the importance of fish passage barrier removal developed by SARP, EBTJV and ACFHP.
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Fish Passage Barrier Removal Fact Sheet Template - North Carolina Edition
An educational template on the importance of fish passage barrier removal for use by SARP, EBTJV, ACFHP and partners in North Carolina and which can be tailored and customized for use in other states.
In support of fish passage education and outreach, SARP, the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV), and the Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership (ACFHP) have developed an informational template on fish passage barrier removal. The demonstration version includes a featured project and resources for North Carolina. The template was created for conservation groups that have strong local level community connections to citizens, property owners, and smaller stream systems where many potential barriers exist. It can be used to raise awareness of impacts these barriers have on fish and other aquatics, and to help enlist the assistance of landowners, recreationalists, and citizen scientists in identifying and providing information about barriers that may not yet be documented. User groups have the ability to personalize portions of the template according to their specific target audiences and the template can be used as an outreach tool to highlight key issues and projects. Complete with a section where specific calls to action can be identified to help empower stakeholders to take action and report potential barriers, which will help the databases of the Southeast Aquatic Connectivity Assessment Program (SEACAP) and other programs grow and remain up to date and relevant.
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January 2015 NFH Board Meeting Book
This document contains materials associated with the National Fish Habitat Board's January 15, 2015 meeting that was conducted by teleconference.
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National Fish Habitat Board Meetings
2015 NFH Board Meetings
June 2015 NFH Board Meeting Book
This document contains materials associated with the National Fish Habitat Board's June 24, 2015 meeting that was conducted by teleconference.
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National Fish Habitat Board Meetings
2015 NFH Board Meetings
March 2015 NFH Board Meeting Book
This document contains materials associated with the National Fish Habitat Board's March 3 - 4, 2016 in-person meeting.
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National Fish Habitat Board Meetings
2015 NFH Board Meetings
Mill Creek “Chop and Drop”, WV_FY14 Project
Mostly dead and/or down hemlock trees were utilized to create large woody material inspired habitat structures to increase pool habit, increase thalweg meander length, decrease bankfull width, and introduce overhead fish cover. Cross-vanes, j-hooks, wing-deflectors, toe wood, digger logs, and engineered log jams were constructed. The strategic part of this chop and drop effort was to place and anchor logs to minimize movement in bankfull or high events.
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Project Completion Reports
October 2015 NFH Board Meeting Book
This document contains materials associated with the National Fish Habitat Board's October 20 - 21, 2015 in-person meeting.
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National Fish Habitat Board Meetings
2015 NFH Board Meetings
Predicting Brook Trout Occurrence in Stream Reaches throughout their Native Range in the Eastern United States - DeWeber and Wagner 2015
This publication describes a model that was developed to predict Brook Trout population status within individual stream reaches throughout the species' native range in the eastern USA.
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Science and Data
Brook Trout Related Publications
Chesapeake Bay Brook Trout Management Strategy-References