2015 MSCGP Grant Application
This document describes the full proposal seeking funding from the 2015 MSCGP.
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EBTJV Operational Grants
2015 MSCGP Grant
2015 MSCGP Grant Performance Report
This document describes the grant-related accomplishments the EBTJV achieved during the 1/1/15 to 12/31/15 performance period.
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EBTJV Operational Grants
2015 MSCGP Grant
2015 MSCGP Grant Scope of Work for Eastern Fish Habitat Partnerships
This document describes the scope of work to be performed by the three Eastern FHPs (ACFHP, SARP, EBTJV) under the 2015 MSCGP grant.
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EBTJV Operational Grants
2015 MSCGP Grant
Aaron Run (MD) - Mitigating Acid Mine Drainage Improves pH Levels in Run
Waterbody Improved: water flowing through abandoned coal mines contributed acid mine drainage (AMD) to Maryland’s Aaron Run, causing the stream’s pH level to fail to meet the state’s water quality standard for pH. As a result, the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) added Aaron Run to Maryland’s 2004 Clean Water Act (CWA) section 303(d) list of impaired waters for low pH. Watershed partners implemented numerous AMD mitigation projects, and pH levels increased. Aaron Run now meets the state water quality standard for pH and supports a population of brook trout. As a result, MDE has proposed removing Aaron Run from the state’s list of impaired waters for pH impairment in 2014.
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Brook Trout Outcome Management Strategy 2015–2025, v.1
This document describes the management strategies that will implemented to achieve the Brook Trout Outcome contained within the 2014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement.
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Science and Data
Chesapeake Bay Program
Chesapeake Bay Brook Trout Management Strategy (6-24-15)
This document describes the management strategy for achieving the Brook Trout outcome contained in the 2014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement.
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Science and Data
Chesapeake Bay Program
Dam Removals on an Unnamed Tributary to Frankstown Branch, PA_FY13 Project
Kladder Dam was removed in September 2014 and the tributary through the former impoundment was restored to an appropriate gradient to match the watershed. Stream restoration materials included native soil and rock, clay from the dam’s core, sediment from behind the dam, and Large Wood Debris, all originating on the site. In addition, a riparian corridor was planted in the former impoundment, and several rock jack-dams and brick lining in about 100 feet of the stream channel above the former impoundment were removed by hand.
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Project Completion Reports
Decision Support Tools for Brook Trout Conservation
The EBTJV website now houses links to five new decision support tools that can assist natural resource managers with Brook Trout conservation efforts.
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East Fork Greenbrier River/Poca Run Large Woody Material Project, Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia, Monitoring Report - 2015
The East Fork Greenbrier River/Poca Run Large Woody Material (LWM) project was designed to treat a total of 16
stream sites with LWM structures distributed along ¾ miles of stream and floodplain areas on
the Monongahela National Forest.
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EBTJV Salmonid Catchment Assessment and Habitat Patch Layers
Extending, standardizing, and automating the salmonid status assessment is a fundamental goal of the EBTJV. This document provides a step-by-step description of these procedures, as well as providing examples for their applications.
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Science and Data
EBTJV Reports