Eastern Brook Trout Roadmap to Conservation (2018)
This document summarizes the EBTJV's strategies for conserving wild Brook Trout.
Located in
Science and Data
EBTJV Reports
Conserving the Eastern Brook Trout-Action Strategies_January 2018
This document incorporates findings of the EBTJV's wild Brook Trout assessment at the catchment scale.
Located in
Science and Data
EBTJV Reports
Brook Trout Catchment Scale and Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment
Climate change is currently a high risk threat to the current range of the brook trout due to changing thermal regimes. The effects of climate change may be exacerbated by greater fragmentation from land use changes. In order to effectively rank projects and work strategically, the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture is working on refining the status map to the catchment scale and establishing climate change resiliency rankings for brook trout populations throughout the partnership boundary from Georgia to Maine. JMU in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service and the Service have initiated efforts to determine resiliency rankings for brook trout populations in Virginia, Maryland and West Virginia. This project will allow the partnership to expand this analysis to cover all brook trout habitat from Georgia to Maine.
Located in
2006 - 2018 Projects
2012 Projects
A Map of Maine Wild Brook Trout Patches
The map provides a visual depiction of the distribution of Maine's wild Brook Trout patches.
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Science and Data
EBTJV State Maps and Resources
State Maps of Wild Brook Trout Patch Distribution
A Map of New Hampshire Wild Brook Trout Patches
The map provides a visual depiction of the distribution of New Hampshire's wild Brook Trout patches.
Located in
Science and Data
EBTJV State Maps and Resources
State Maps of Wild Brook Trout Patch Distribution
A Map of Massachusetts Wild Brook Trout Patches
The map provides a visual depiction of the distribution of Massachusetts's wild Brook Trout patches.
Located in
Science and Data
EBTJV State Maps and Resources
State Maps of Wild Brook Trout Patch Distribution
Map of Vermont Wild Brook Trout Patches
The map provides a visual depiction of the distribution of Vermont's wild Brook Trout patches.
Located in
Science and Data
EBTJV State Maps and Resources
State Maps of Wild Brook Trout Patch Distribution
A Map of Connecticut Wild Brook Trout Patches
The map provides a visual depiction of the distribution of Connecticut's wild Brook Trout patches.
Located in
Science and Data
EBTJV State Maps and Resources
State Maps of Wild Brook Trout Patch Distribution
Map of Rhode Island Wild Brook Trout Patches
The map provides a visual depiction of the distribution of Rhode Island's wild Brook Trout patches.
Located in
Science and Data
EBTJV State Maps and Resources
State Maps of Wild Brook Trout Patch Distribution
Map of New York Wild Brook Trout Patches
The map provides a visual depiction of the distribution of New York's wild Brook Trout patches.
Located in
Science and Data
EBTJV State Maps and Resources
State Maps of Wild Brook Trout Patch Distribution