Whitethorn Creek Restoration, West Virginia
Whitethorn Creek, which is the most significant tributary in the Thorn Creek drainage of
the South Branch of the Potomac, is historically recognized as supporting one of the
best brook trout populations in West Virginia. This population has been significantly
reduced in recent years as a result of land use impacts and two devastating flood
events. The flood events altered instream habitat quality and washed away a large
portion of riparian cover in the watershed. Following the loss of the relatively stable
vegetated riparian corridor, livestock grazing has prevented re-growth and has caused
widespread bank instability as a result of unregulated stream access. will result in the restoration and protection of approximately one mile of
degraded brook trout habitat. This project will result in the reconnection of upstream
spawning and rearing habitat to the mainstem of Thorn Creek. Reestablishment of the
riparian corridor will provide lower overall water temperatures in addition to refuge areas
during lower flows. The instream restoration will create habitat zones and a more stable
hydrology through this reach and downstream.
Located in
2006 - 2018 Projects
2007 Projects
Assessment and Restoration of Southern Appalachian Brook Trout in Jocassee Gorges, South Carolina
This project will complete an assessment of brook trout in-stream habitat, water quality, and fish distribution information in all Jocassee Gorges streams during the first two years of the project. During the third year, we will conduct restoration on at least two of the top priority streams identified for restoration. Restoration will likely consist of restoring habitat using proven natural channel design techniques, removal of excessive sediments, removal of non-natives, and culminating with translocation of pure southern Appalachian brook trout from nearby streams. This will restore an estimated 2-3 Jocassee Gorges streams totaling 8 miles.
Located in
2006 - 2018 Projects
2009 Projects
South Branch of Kinzua Creek Acid Precipitation Remediation Project, Pennsylvania
This project is a design/construct/implementation/research project located in Allegheny National Forest, in Hamlin and Wetmore Townships, McKean County that when completed will restore water quality and reestablish recruitment of brook trout within approximately 5 miles of stream. Three acid precipitation impaired tributaries of the South Branch of Kinzua Creek will be treated and restored in concert with routine Forest Service road maintenance by constructing innovative passive treatment systems that will supply buffering capacity to the watershed via the roads stormwater management facility.
Located in
2006 - 2018 Projects
2009 Projects
Leadmine Brook Fish Passage and Habitat Restoration Project, Connecticut
This project will restore upstream fish passage and in-stream habitats for wild brook trout populations at the Axe Factory Road Crossing and provide access to over 2.94 miles of upstream brook trout habitat.
Located in
2006 - 2018 Projects
2009 Projects
Brook Trout Restoration on the Chattahoochee National Forest, Georgia
This project will install 30 in-stream structures in five streams to improve habitat in a total of 10 miles of stream in the Hiawassee, Chattahoochee, and Tallulah watersheds in the Chattahoochee National Forest. Streams proposed for structure work are Big Net Creek within the Hiawassee River watershed, Upper Chattahoochee River within the Chattahoochee River watershed and North and South Forks of Moccasin Creek and Flat Branch in the Tallulah River watershed. In addition, Walnut Fork and Tate Branch will be electrofished and all non-native trout will be removed. The project will enhance the carrying capacity of primarily southern strain brook trout streams and will restore southern Appalachian brook trout to two streams that were historically brook trout waters.
Located in
2006 - 2018 Projects
2009 Projects
Restoring Habitat Connectivity in the Bob's Creek Watershed, Pennsylvania
The purpose of this project is to improve brook trout habitat connectivity in the Bobbs Creek watershed on the Allegheny National Forest. To accomplish this, two road crossings will be replaced with single open-bottom culverts. Also, this project will reduce flooding potential on the USFS road 116 and reduce the delivery of sediment to the stream through improved surfacing of the road.
Located in
2006 - 2018 Projects
2009 Projects
Indian Stream Fish Habitat Restoration Project, New Hampshire
The goals of this project are to complete an aerial survey, conduct a detailed geomorphic and habitat assessment, and conduct riparian plantings on Indian Stream in New Hampshire. Restoration efforts will result in sustainable brook trout populations in Indian Stream and increased populations of brook trout in the mainstem of the Upper Connecticut River.
Located in
2006 - 2018 Projects
2009 Projects
North River Stream Channel Restoration, Augusta County, Virgina
This project will advance restoration on a 0.75 mile reach of North River in Augusta County, Virginia, within the George Washington National Forest. The purpose of the immediate project is to install a series of cross-vein and J-structure in-stream devices to stabilize flows and to create and maintain low water pools that will serve as essential brook trout habitat during droughts and seasonal low flow periods. It continues a long-term program to restore pool habitat to a historically important brook trout fishery.
Located in
2006 - 2018 Projects
2009 Projects
Umpire Brook Culvert Replacement, Vermont
Umpire Brook is a small second order stream in the town of Victory, Vermont. It sustains a wild brook trout population and its watershed is almost entirely forested, with nearly the entire watershed falling within the Victory State Forest. Other than the limited runoff from forest roads, the only significant human-induced impact on this brook is a culvert on Umpire Brook Road. The goal of this project is to replace the current culvert with a bridge that will allow for upstream passage of fish and require less maintenance.
Located in
2006 - 2018 Projects
2009 Projects
Restoring Stream Habitat Connectivity in WB Machias, Maine
The primary threat to brook trout in the WB Machias River is associated with the aging road network. Project SHARE and the MEFRO have recently completed a basin wide stream-road crossing and fisheries assessment in the WB Machias River. There are 41 fish bearing road crossings in the subbasin that limit aquatic habitat connectivity. To date, six barrier removals / renovations have been completed. This project will remove another six barriers in the WB Machias in Maine.
Located in
2006 - 2018 Projects
2009 Projects