Chesapeake Fish Passage Prioritization: An Assessment of Dams in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
The Chesapeake Fish Passage Prioritization (CFPP or “the project”) project grew out of and builds on the conceptual framework of the Northeast Aquatic Connectivity.
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SEACAP: Southeast Aquatic Connectivity Assessment Project: Assessing the ecological impact of dams on Southeastern rivers
The Southeast Aquatic Connectivity Assessment Project (SEACAP) grew out of and builds on the conceptual framework of the Chesapeake Fish Passage Prioritization Project and the Northeast Aquatic Connectivity Project.
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Northeast Aquatic Connectivity - An Assessment of Dams on Northeastern Rivers
Throughout the Northeast, hundreds of dams have been removed and hundreds of culverts have been replaced or retrofitted over the last two decades in projects where ecological restoration was a goal. To many working in the field of aquatic resource management it is apparent that given likely future constraints on availability of funds and staffing, it will be critical to be more strategic about investments in connectivity restoration projects. One approach to strategic investment is to assess the likely ecological “return on investment” associated with connectivity restoration. In order to complete an assessment at the regional scale, the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (NEAFWA) awarded the Nature Conservancy (TNC) a 2007 Regional Conservation Needs (RCN) Grant. This RCN
grant was designed to have TNC support state resource agencies in the Northeast U.S. (fish and wildlife, marine fisheries, dam safety, etc.) in efforts to strategically reconnect fragmented river, stream, coastal, reservoir, lake and estuarine habitat by removing or bypassing key barriers to fish passage. The primary ecological goal of mitigating fish passage barriers is to enhance populations of fish including anadromous fish, coldwater species, and other species of greatest conservation need (SGCN).
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Modified Culvert Inventory and Assessment Protocol
This culvert inventory and assessment method is a modified version of the National Inventory and Assessment Procedure (NIAP; Clarkin et al 2003) developed to collect data needed to run coarse filter evaluations of fish passage (Coffman 2005).
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A Protocol for Collecting Environmental DNA Samples From Streams
Environmental DNA (eDNA) is DNA that has been released by an organism into its environment, such that the DNA can be found in air, water, or soil. In aquatic systems, eDNA has been shown to provide a sampling approach that is more sensitive for detecting target organisms faster, and less expensively than previous approaches. However, eDNA needs to be sampled in a manner that has been tested and found effective and, because single copies of target DNA are detected reliably, rigorous procedures must be designed to avoid sample contamination. Here we provide the details of a sampling protocol designed for detecting fish. This protocol, or very similar prototypes, has been used to collect data reported in multiple peer reviewed journal articles and from more than 5,000 additional samples at the time of publication. This process has been shown to be exceedingly sensitive and no case of field contamination has been detected. Over time, we have refined the process to make it more convenient. Our policy at the National Genomics Center for Wildlife and Fish Conservation is to provide collaborators with kits that contain all of the materials necessary to properly collect and store eDNA samples. Although the instructions in this protocol assume that the collaborator will have this same equipment, we also describe how users can create their own kit, and where we think there is flexibility in the equipment used.
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Technical Guide for Field Practitioners: Understanding and Monitoring Aquatic Organism Passage at Road-Stream Crossings
Stream connectivity has become increasingly important for river restoration and fish-habitat improvement projects (Fullerton et al. 2010) amidst increasing evidence that it plays a vital role in supporting aquatic organism populations (Roni et al. 2002; Gibson et al. 2005) and species diversity (Nislow et al. 2011). Recent emphasis on identifying and removing barriers in order to restore aquatic organism passage (AOP) is based on well-documented negative effects of road-stream crossings on fish (Rieman et al. 1997; Hudy et al. 2005) and the potential for cost-effective restoration of aquatic habitat. However, challenges remain in identifying barriers and prioritizing road-stream crossings for remediation. The U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service (USFS) has been working to stream-line the process of identifying and remediating road-stream crossings that are inadequate for AOP.
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