Fish Passage Program
Provides cost-share and design expertise to landowners to remove unwanted dams and replace culverts.
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The Story of Wild Brook Trout
Landowner Resources
NRCS Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)
USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Farm Service Agency (FSA) Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) provides annual rental payments and cost-share assistance to establish resource conserving vegetation on eligible farmland and pastures.
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The Story of Wild Brook Trout
Landowner Resources
Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program
Provides technical and financial assistance to landowners to restore wildlife habitat (including riparian, stream, and wetlands restoration)
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The Story of Wild Brook Trout
Landowner Resources
Trout Unlimited's Embrace A Stream
Local Trout Unlimited chapters apply for grants for habitat restoration projects in partnership with private landowners.
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The Story of Wild Brook Trout
Landowner Resources
Trout Unlimited's Land Conservancy Fund
Local Trout Unlimited chapters apply for grants to conserve land in partnership with private landowners and land trusts.
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The Story of Wild Brook Trout
Landowner Resources
USDA National Agforestry Center's Multifunctional Riparian Forest Buffer Guide
Offers information about the diversity of benefits landowners can enjoy via multifunctional riparian buffers (including edible and marketable crops).
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The Story of Wild Brook Trout
Landowner Resources
A Map of Virginia Wild Brook Trout Patches
The map provides a visual depiction of the distribution of Virginia's wild Brook Trout patches.
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Science and Data
EBTJV State Maps and Resources
State Maps of Wild Brook Trout Patch Distribution
We directly measured paired air and
water temperatures in watersheds (N = 77) containing reproducing populations of brook trout in
Virginia. We found that paired air and water temperature relationships are highly variable among
patches but are a useful dataset to classify sensitivity and vulnerability of existing brook trout
patches. We developed a classification system using sensitivity and vulnerability metrics that
classified sampled brook trout habitats into four categories (High Sensitivity- High Vulnerability
(51.9%); High Sensitivity-Low Vulnerability (10.4%); Low Sensitivity-High Vulnerability (7.8%);
Low Sensitivity-Low Vulnerability (29.9%). Our direct measurement approach identified potential
refugia for brook trout at lower elevations and with higher air temperatures than previous larger
scale modeling efforts.
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Science and Data
Brook Trout Related Publications
USDA Conservation Stewardship Program
The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) helps agricultural producers maintain and improve their existing conservation systems and adopt additional conservation activities to address priority resources concerns. Participants earn CSP payments for conservation performance—the higher the performance, the higher the payment.
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The Story of Wild Brook Trout
Landowner Resources
USDA Conservation Innovation Grants
Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) offer matching-funds to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative approaches and technologies for conservation on agricultural lands.
Eligibility: CIG applications are accepted from state or local governments, federally recognized American Indian tribes, non-governmental organizations and individuals in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the Caribbean and the Pacific Islands areas.
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The Story of Wild Brook Trout
Landowner Resources