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Restoration of Natural Hydrology and Habitat Complexity in the Machias, Rivers, Maine
This project will remove 11 remnant log drive dams and add large woody debris to restore fish passage, stream connectivity and natural stream processes that will passively restore cold water habitat in the tributaries of the Machias River. A total of 27.2 miles of stream upstream of the dam sites will be affected by the project.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
Restoring Connectivity in the Sunday River and Martin Stream Watersheds, Maine
Subwatersheds of the Androscoggin River contain some of the finest intact and healthy brook trout habitat in the state of Maine. This project will remove two fish passage barriers providing a total of six miles of connectivity in the Sunday River and Martin Stream subwatersheds.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
Restoring Connectivity in the Sunday River and Martin Stream Watersheds, Maine
Subwatersheds of the Androscoggin River contain some of the finest intact and healthy brook trout habitat in the state of Maine. This project will remove two fish passage barriers providing a total of six miles of connectivity in the Sunday River and Martin Stream subwatersheds.
Located in Projects / 2006 - 2018 Projects / 2013 Projects