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File ECMAScript program Summary of EBTJV Business Plan Priorities
This document summarizes the Brook Trout conservation priorities contained within the EBTJV's 2014-2018 Business Plan.
Located in About EBTJV / EBTJV Management / EBTJV Business Plan
File Troff document Sunday River "Chop and Drop", ME_FY07 Project
This project evaluated the impacts of adding large woody material to streams in order to attenuate flows and determined that adding this material resulted in positive trends in reducing flashiness of flows, improving Brook Trout habitat, and trapping sediment. However, one of the lessons learned was that a longer monitoring period than the three-year life of this project is needed. Overall, the project determined that "chop and drop" can be a relatively inexpensive and simple method to attenuate variability in flows, create, improve and restore Brook Trout habitat, and trap sediment.
Located in Projects / Project Completion Reports
Symposium Proceedings
Located in Science and Data / Symposium Proceedings
File Technical Guide for Field Practitioners: Understanding and Monitoring Aquatic Organism Passage at Road-Stream Crossings
Stream connectivity has become increasingly important for river restoration and fish-habitat improvement projects (Fullerton et al. 2010) amidst increasing evidence that it plays a vital role in supporting aquatic organism populations (Roni et al. 2002; Gibson et al. 2005) and species diversity (Nislow et al. 2011). Recent emphasis on identifying and removing barriers in order to restore aquatic organism passage (AOP) is based on well-documented negative effects of road-stream crossings on fish (Rieman et al. 1997; Hudy et al. 2005) and the potential for cost-effective restoration of aquatic habitat. However, challenges remain in identifying barriers and prioritizing road-stream crossings for remediation. The U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service (USFS) has been working to stream-line the process of identifying and remediating road-stream crossings that are inadequate for AOP.
Located in Science and Data / Brook Trout Related Publications
File The Importance of Scale: Assessing and Predicting Brook Trout Status - Hudy et al. 2013
This article analyzes extensive fine-scale occupancy data across the southern historic range of Brook Trout.
Located in Science and Data / Brook Trout Related Publications / Chesapeake Bay Brook Trout Management Strategy-References
File The Importance of Scale: Assessing and Predicting Brook Trout Status in its Southern Native Range
Occupancy models are of increasing interest to managers and natural resource decision makers. Assessment of status and trends, as well as the specific drivers influencing occupancy, both may change as a function of scale, and analyses conducted at multiple scales can help identify important mechanisms leading to changes in distributions. We analyzed extensive fine-scale occupancy data across the southern historic range of the brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis to determine which landscape metrics and thresholds were useful in predicting brook trout presence across three relevant spatial scales and how brook trout occupancy varied by scale. Percentage occupancy declined markedly with increased spatial resolution, as 52% of watersheds (HUC10) but only 32% of subwatersheds (HUC12) and 14% of catchments (HUC14) were occupied. Across all three scales, habitats which were exclusively occupied by native brook trout (without non-native trout) were rare (<10%). CART models using GIS-derived landscape predictor variables were developed for three classification cases: Case 1:(brook trout; no brook trout), Case 2 (brook trout; non-native trout only; no trout), and Case 3 (brook trout only; brook and non-native trout; non-native trout only and no trout). Model results were sensitive to both scale and the number of classification categories with respect to classification accuracy, variable selection and variable threshold values. Classification accuracy tended to be lowest at the finest (catchment) scale potentially reflecting stochastic population processes and barriers to movement. Classification rates for the overall models were: Case 1: Watershed (80.19%); Subwatershed (85.06%); Catchment (71.13%); Case 2: Watershed (69.31%); Subwatershed (68.72%); Catchment (57.38%); Case 3: Watershed (58.91%); Subwatershed (59.83%); Catchment (47.59%). Our multiscale approach revealed soil permeability (positive) and atmospheric pollution (negative) to be important predictors. The predicted occupancy and observed status of brook trout appear to be influenced by the scale the data are collected and reported.
Located in Science and Data / Brook Trout Related Publications
File The influence of land cover composition and groundwater on thermal habitat availability for brook trout populations
Brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) is a sentinel fish species that requires clean, cold water habitats generally resulting from landscapes that allow for surface water flows devoid of sediment and contaminants and high groundwater discharge of cold water. As such, brook charr are impacted by land cover changes that alter stream temperature regimes. We evaluated brook charr populations across their eastern and midwestern range in the United States with reference to thermal habitat availability in relationship to land cover and percent baseflow. We found that while forest cover does protect brook charr thermal habitat, high levels of groundwater discharge can allow for increased levels of agriculture within a watershed by keeping the water cold in spite of warm ambient summer temperatures. Our study concludes that with enhanced communication among land, water and fisheries managers, society can provide for sustainable stream salmonid populations despite increased threats on cold water resources.
Located in Science and Data / Brook Trout Related Publications
File The temperature–productivity squeeze: constraints on brook trout growth along an Appalachian river continuum
We tested the hypothesis that brook trout growth rates are controlled by a complex interaction of food availability, water temperature, and competitor density. We quantified trout diet, growth, and consumption in small headwater tributaries characterized as cold with low food and high trout density, larger tributaries characterized as cold with moderate food and moderate trout density, and large main stems characterized as warm with high food and low trout density. Brook trout consumption was highest in the main stem where diets shifted from insects in headwaters to fishes and crayfish in larger streams. Despite highwater temperatures, trout growth rates also were consistently highest in the main stem, likely due to competitively dominant trout monopolizing thermal refugia. Temporal changes in trout density had a direct negative effect on brook trout growth rates. Our results suggest that competition for food constrains brook trout growth in small streams, but access to thermal refugia in productive main stem habitats enables dominant trout to supplement growth at a watershed scale. Brook trout conservation in this region should seek to relieve the ‘‘temperature–productivity squeeze,’’ whereby brook trout productivity is constrained by access to habitats that provide both suitable water temperature and sufficient prey.
Located in Science and Data / Brook Trout Related Publications
30 minute webinar
Located in The Story of Wild Brook Trout / Brook Trout Video and Webinar Gallery
File chemical/x-pdb Tipton Creek Culvert Replacement, NC_FY10 Project
In the summer of 2011 the culvert at the Davis Creek Road (FSR 420) crossing of Tipton Creek was removed and replaced with a concrete arch, stream simulation crossing for the purpose of passing aquatic organisms, where the existing culvert was known to be a barrier to aquatic passage due to velocity and outlet drop. The crossing was sized using the 100-year flow calculation derived from the USGS Regression Equation for the mountains of North Carolina. Additionally, the width of the crossing was designed to accommodate a bankfull flow channel dimension plus a small area of floodplain. The channel was reconstructed through the crossing using the dimension, pattern, and profile of the reference reach upstream. The new channel was constructed using imported boulders and onsite alluvial materials. Grass seed was sown, and trees and shrubs were planted, both potted and live-stakes. Over the last year since construction, the site has experienced several small flood events. The site remains stable, passable to all aquatic species, and looks more and more natural every year as planted and natural vegetation establishes.
Located in Projects / Project Completion Reports