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EBTJV Partnership Meetings
EBTJV Meeting 2007
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EBTJV Partnership Meetings
EBTJV Meeting 2005
August 17-18 Meeting Minutes.pdf
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EBTJV Partnership Meetings
EBTJV Meeting 2005
Ayers Brook Corridor Restoration White River, Vermont
This project will restore riparian and associated aquatic habitats and floodplain access along a 6.8 mile stretch of Ayers Brook in Vermont. Additionally, the replacement and / or retrofitting of undersized structures on Ayers Brook will be prioritized for future restoration efforts.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Batten Kill Restoration Near Eagleville, New York
This project will implement stream restoration at five sites along the Batten Kill in New York using principles of fluvial geomorphology to enhance a total of 2 miles of stream for the purposes of: improving brook trout habitat, removing fish passage barriers, stabilizing and restoring streambanks and riparian areas, increasing large woody debris in the river system, providing demonstration projects for the community, and improving fishing access and recreational opportunities.
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2006 - 2018 Projects
2010 Projects
Batten Kill Restoration Near Eagleville, New York
This project will implement stream restoration at five sites along the Batten Kill in New York using principles of fluvial geomorphology to enhance a total of 2 miles of stream for the purposes of: improving brook trout habitat, removing fish passage barriers, stabilizing and restoring streambanks and riparian areas, increasing large woody debris in the river system, providing demonstration projects for the community, and improving fishing access and recreational opportunities.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Batten Kill, New York
Photo of the old water management structure built in 1950 causing widening of the stream. These structures will be removed and the stream narrowed and deepened with J-hooks and large woody debris.
Located in
2010 Projects
Batten Kill Restoration Near Eagleville, New York
Batten Kill, New York
Photo of the old water management structure built in 1950 causing widening of the stream. These structures will be removed and the stream narrowed and deepened with J-hooks and large woody debris.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Batten Kill Restoration Near Eagleville, New York
Beebe River Watershed Connectivity Project, Campton and Sandwich, NH
This project includes the removal and replacement of five stream crossings in the Beebe River
Watershed on a 5,435 acre parcel recently acquired by The Conservation Fund. These
crossings are on five separate tributary streams that flow into the Beebe River in Campton and
Sandwich, NH. Wild brook trout have been documented in all of these streams and the
watershed area upstream of this property is completely encompassed within the White
Mountain National Forest. This project restores watershed level function by providing over 5 miles of accessible thermal refuge and spawning locations in 5 high priority locations along about 30% of the entire length of the Beebe River. 2015 summer temperature data indicates survival in the Beebe River is
likely compromised without access to these tributaries.
Located in
2006 - 2018 Projects
2016 Projects
Beebe River Watershed Project Application
Application for Beebe River Watershed Project
Located in
2016 Projects
Beebe River Watershed Connectivity Project, Campton and Sandwich, NH