Train Transporting New Culvert to Lamothe Site
Photo of the train transporting the new culvert to the project site.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Upper Shavers Fork Aquatic Passage Project, West Virginia
Tributary to Sunday River, Maine
Treatment Site #1, an Unnamed tributary to the Sunday River, Maine
Located in
2007 Projects
Chop and Drop in the Sunday River, Maine
Tributary to Sunday River, Maine
Treatment Site #1, an Unnamed tributary to the Sunday River, Maine
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Chop and Drop in the Sunday River, Maine
Trout Unlimited
TU Logo
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EBTJV Partners
EBTJV Partner Logos
Umpire Brook Culvert Replacement, Vermont
Umpire Brook is a small second order stream in the town of Victory, Vermont. It sustains a wild brook trout population and its watershed is almost entirely forested, with nearly the entire watershed falling within the Victory State Forest. Other than the limited runoff from forest roads, the only significant human-induced impact on this brook is a culvert on Umpire Brook Road. The goal of this project is to replace the current culvert with a bridge that will allow for upstream passage of fish and require less maintenance.
Located in
2006 - 2018 Projects
2009 Projects
Umpire Brook Culvert Replacement, Vermont
Umpire Brook is a small second order stream in the town of Victory, Vermont. It sustains a wild brook trout population and its watershed is almost entirely forested, with nearly the entire watershed falling within the Victory State Forest. Other than the limited runoff from forest roads, the only significant human-induced impact on this brook is a culvert on Umpire Brook Road. The goal of this project is to replace the current culvert with a bridge that will allow for upstream passage of fish and require less maintenance.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Umpire Brook VT Completion Report
Completion Report for Umpire Brook Culvert Replacement in Vermont
Located in
Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Umpire Brook Culvert Replacement, Vermont
Upper Shavers Fork Aquatic Passage Project, West Virginia
This project seeks to restore habitat linkages between two spawning tributaries and the mainstem of Upper Shaver's Fork between Cheat Bridge and Spruce, West Virginia. Poor tributary-mainstem connections continue to threaten the sustainability and expansion of brook trout populations in genetically isolated tributaries as well as those in the mainstem of Upper Shaver's Fork. To address these problems, two blocking railroad culverts will be replaced with passage-friendly culverts to provide over 8 miles of passage for brook trout.
Located in
2006 - 2018 Projects
2011 Projects
Upper Shavers Fork Aquatic Passage Project, West Virginia
This project seeks to restore habitat linkages between two spawning tributaries and the mainstem of Upper Shaver's Fork between Cheat Bridge and Spruce, West Virginia. Poor tributary-mainstem connections continue to threaten the sustainability and expansion of brook trout populations in genetically isolated tributaries as well as those in the mainstem of Upper Shaver's Fork. To address these problems, two blocking railroad culverts will be replaced with passage-friendly culverts to provide over 8 miles of passage for brook trout.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Upper Shavers Fork Instream and Riparian Habitat Restoration, Randolph County, WV
This project will restore instream coldwater habitat in approximately one mile of the Shavers Fork mainstem, and restore riparian habitat on both sides of the Shavers Fork mainstem in the restoration reach. A partner project will simultaneously improve fish passage and habitat in Powerhouse Run, another spawning tributary of Shavers Fork. These actions will cool elevated mainstem temperatures both within and downstream of the project area, enhance mainstem habitat, increase access to the mainstem forage base, and facilitate genetic mixing within the metapopulation.
Located in
2006 - 2018 Projects
2015 Projects