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Appalachian Trail Conservancy's project opens stream miles in Maine
This AOP project was a high priority by USFWS and others, and the Appalachian Trail Conservancy worked hard over ten years to gather funding and make it a reality.
Located in News & Events / News Inbox
File Troff document Harvey’s Lake Dam Removal, South Peacham Brook, Barnet, Vermont
Removal of the Harvey's Lake dam improves natural flow regimes, free-flowing river conditions, water quality and temperature, sediment release and transport, and connectivity to 27 miles within the Stevens River watershed. Floodplain restoration and large wood installations provides additional habitat in South Peacham Brook. The project cost is $861,750 and the estimated socioeconomic benefit is $14.7 million.
Located in Projects / 2019 Projects
File chemical/x-pdb Tipton Creek Culvert Replacement, NC_FY10 Project
In the summer of 2011 the culvert at the Davis Creek Road (FSR 420) crossing of Tipton Creek was removed and replaced with a concrete arch, stream simulation crossing for the purpose of passing aquatic organisms, where the existing culvert was known to be a barrier to aquatic passage due to velocity and outlet drop. The crossing was sized using the 100-year flow calculation derived from the USGS Regression Equation for the mountains of North Carolina. Additionally, the width of the crossing was designed to accommodate a bankfull flow channel dimension plus a small area of floodplain. The channel was reconstructed through the crossing using the dimension, pattern, and profile of the reference reach upstream. The new channel was constructed using imported boulders and onsite alluvial materials. Grass seed was sown, and trees and shrubs were planted, both potted and live-stakes. Over the last year since construction, the site has experienced several small flood events. The site remains stable, passable to all aquatic species, and looks more and more natural every year as planted and natural vegetation establishes.
Located in Projects / Project Completion Reports
File Carloe Brook Fish Passage Restoration, ME_FY11 Project
The project replaced an undersized and failing stream crossing on Carloe Brook a major tributary to Clifford Lake that has wild brook trout. This stream crossing currently limits passage for trout and other aquatic organisms. The current crossing is also a significant sediment source due to improper construction and overtopping. The crossing was replaced with a 1.2 bankfull open bottom arch culvert (15ft wide) designed to allow passage at all flows.
Located in Projects / Project Completion Reports
File Restoring habitat connectivity in Machias and Saint Croix River tributary streams, ME_FY11 Project
Through this project, Downeast Lakes Land Trust (DLLT) continued its work with partners to restore brook trout habitat on priority streams within its 55,678-acre Downeast Lakes Community Forest by removing passage barriers. Of the four sites included in the original proposal (Billy Brown Brook/Shaw St., Amazon Brook/Amazon Rd., Grand Lake Brook/Fourth Lake Rd., and Fourth Lake Trib./Belden Brook Rd), two were completed using NRCS funding received after the initial proposal was submitted to USFWS. As a result, Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture funding was used to restore fish passage at two additional sites at South Branch/Little River Rd and Towers Brook/Little River Rd.
Located in Projects / Project Completion Reports
File chemical/x-pdb Jam Black Brook Culvert Replacement, ME_FY12 Project
The goals of the project were: (1) To remove an obstruction to upstream fish passage for brook trout, Atlantic salmon and other resident and migratory fish. (2) To restore access to 9.8 miles of stream habitat upstream of the obstruction. (3) To restore natural sediment and woody debris transport through the crossing site. (4) To improve flood capacity at the Magog Road crossing, reducing the risk of debris jams or overtopping the road. (5) To provide a demonstration site in mid‐coast Maine for an appropriate stream crossing developed in cooperation with the municipality.
Located in Projects / Project Completion Reports