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EBTJV's Conservation Strategies
EBTJV Partners
EBTJV Brook Trout Conservation Project Partners
EBTJV Partner Logos
Practitioners (individuals)
EBTJV Strategic Plans infographic
The Story of Wild Brook Trout
Landowner Resources
Cooperative Extension Service (NC)
Maryland conservation funding and technical assistance
Pennsylvania conservation funding and technical assistance
PADEP Video: Guidelines for Maintaining Streams in Your Community
Cattle don't grow in streams
South Carolina Conservation Districts
Connecticut conservation funding and technical assistance
South Carolina Stream Bank Repair Manual
Georgia Region 1 Soil and Water Conservation Districts
Georgia conservation funding and technical assistance
South Carolina conservation funding and technical assistance
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) in North Carolina
Rhode Island conservation funding and technical assistance
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
Massachusetts conservation funding and technical assistance
Appalachian Stewardship Foundation Grants
West Virginia conservation funding and technical assistance
Virginia conservation funding and technical assistance
Northcentral Pennsylvania Stream Partnership
Vermont Landowner Resources
clean waters brochure
Brook trout clean water brochure
New Hampshire conservation funding and technical assistance
Great Lakes Small Funding
New York conservation funding and technical assistance
Riparian Buffers for Private Lands - PA links to funding
Saving Healthy Lands - Potomac Conservancy
Brook trout healthy waters brochure
Bay Restoration Fund Program
Bay Restoration Fund Program FAQ and Application
Wastewater photo
Bay Restoration Fund Pre-Application
North Carolina conservation funding and technical assistance
NRCS Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)
NRCS - Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) in North Carolina
NRCS Wildlife Habitat and Incentive Program (WHIP) in North Carolina
Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program
Agricultural Cost Share Program
Fish Passage Program
Trout Unlimited's Embrace A Stream
Trout Unlimited's Land Conservancy Fund
Shade Your Stream (NC)
Reduce Rain Runoff (NC)
Small-scale Solutions to Eroding Streambanks (NC)
Riparian Vegetation (NC)
NC Forest Service's Tree Planting Pocket Guide
USDA National Agforestry Center's Multifunctional Riparian Forest Buffer Guide
Find Your Niche
Brook trout basics
Regional Brook Trout Threats
Brook Trout Video and Webinar Gallery
Bringing Back the Brooks - a Revival of the South's Trout
Native Brook Trout Restoration, Haywood County North Carolina
Cantrell Creek Habitat Improvement
West Virginia Brook Trout
Brook Trout Conservation in WV
Fisheries - Responding to Drought and Water Challenges
The use of environmental (eDNA) to inform fish eradication efforts to restore native aquatic species.
Wild Brook Trout Restoration in Passage Creek, Virginia
TU EBT importance
Scicomm webinar: development of a genetic baseline for brook trout in North Carolina
Restoring Wild Brook Trout to Passage Creek, VA
From the Field: Linking Land and Water in Brook Trout Conservation from Chesapeake Bay Program
Smith Creek Restoration Project
From the Field: Tagged brook trout reveal the pristine health of Maryland’s Savage River
Are brook trout near me?
Eastern US map of wild brook trout patches
Agency management plans and maps (states, tribes, federal)
News & Events
EBTJV Newsletters
Lunch n'Learn: Importance of isolation, drift, and genetics for conservation of native Brook Trout
Lunch n'Learn: Small giants: the critical role small tributaries play in trout ecology
The importance of isolation, drift, and genetics for conservation of native brook trout
Job board
EBTJV Funding Opportunities
2026 Project Application Information
EBTJV Project Completion Report Template
EBTJV Coldwater Stewardship Small Grants Program
2024 Projects
Helicopter-assisted Large Wood Additions, Narraguagus River, TWP 34, ME
Restoring a Brook Trout Metapopulation in Moore Springs Branch, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, NC
Poplar Lick Run & Big Run Fish Passage Barrier Removal Projects Poplar Lick Run & Big Run, Fairview, MD
Wheeler Pond Dam Removal and North Brook Restoration, Berlin, Massachusetts
Small Dam Removal, East Branch North River, Whitingham, VT
2023 Projects
Quinapoxet Dam Removal, West Boylston, MA
Evaluation and Mitigation Steps for Threats to the Moshannon Creek Watershed Upstream of Roup Run
Cady Brook Restoration, Hartland, VT
Lower Wells Brook Stream Restoration: Post-Construction Evaluation and Maintenance Dover Plains, NY
2022 Projects
Restoration of Riverine Process and Habitat Suitability, Narraguagus River, Beddington, ME
Cross Brothers Dam Removal, Northfield VT
Culvert Replacement, Blue Lick Run Tributary, Avilton, MD
Culvert Retrofit for Aquatic Passage Restoration, Kirby Brook, Washington, CT
2021 Projects
Restoring Brook Trout in the Bald Mountains of Tennessee
Alarka Headwaters habitat connectvity and sediment reduction project
Culvert Removal and Stream Restoration, Henderson Brook, Brownville, ME
2020 Projects
Robinson IRP LWD Habitat Restoration, White River, VT
Lockwood Brook Culvert Replacement VT
Camp Wihakowi Dam Removal Bull Run, Northfield, VT
Peterson Pond Dam Removal Third Herring Brook, Hanover, MA
2019 Projects
Culvert Replacement and Stream Restoration in Wolfden Run, Garrett County, Maryland
Harvey’s Lake Dam Removal, South Peacham Brook, Barnet, Vermont
Restoration of Riverine Process and Habitat Suitability In the Upper Narraguagus River and Northern Stream Focus Areas (Maine)
2006 - 2018 Projects
2018 Projects
2017 Projects
2016 Projects
2015 Projects
2014 Projects
2013 Projects
2012 Projects
2011 Projects
2010 Projects
2008 Projects
2007 Projects
2009 Projects
2006 Projects
Project Completion Reports
Smith Creek Headwaters Restoration, VA_FY06 Project
Big Run Restoration, WV_FY06 Project
Cooper Creek Restoration, GA_FY06 Project
Browns River Watershed, VT_FY06 Project
Habitat Restoration in Chattahoochee National Forest Streams, GA_FY07 Project
Lynn Camp Prong Restoration, TN_FY07 Project
Sunday River "Chop and Drop", ME_FY07 Project
Whitethorn Creek Habitat Restoration, WV_FY07 Project
Williams Run Acid Mine Drainage Mitigation, PA_FY07 Project
Enhancing Connectivity in the Androscoggin River Watershed, ME_FY08 Project
Rehabilitation of an Unnamed Stream, ME_FY08 Project
Assessing the Efficacy of Remediating Episodic Low pH (and High Aluminum) Concentrations in Headwater Brook Trout Streams with Clam Shell Additions_FY09 Project
Tipton Creek Culvert Replacement, NC_FY10 Project
Restoring Connectivity in the West Branch Machias River, ME_FY10 Project
Willow Creek Restoration, PA_FY10 Project
Carloe Brook Fish Passage Restoration, ME_FY11 Project
Lynn Camp Prong Brook Trout Restoration, TN_FY11 Project
Restoring habitat connectivity in Machias and Saint Croix River tributary streams, ME_FY11 Project
Enhancing Connectivity in the West Branch Narraguagus River, ME_FY11 Project
Big Wadleigh Pond Restoration, ME_FY12 Project
Jam Black Brook Culvert Replacement, ME_FY12 Project
Removal of Two Dams in the Wetmore Run Watershed, PA_FY12 Project
Dam Removals on an Unnamed Tributary to Frankstown Branch, PA_FY13 Project
Scott Brook Fish Passage Restoration, ME_FY13 Project
Aquatic Habitat Connectivity in the Upper White River Watershed, VT_FY13 Project
Mill Creek “Chop and Drop”, WV_FY14 Project
Little Cards Brook Culvert Replacement, ME_FY16 Project
Anthony Creek & Little Cataloochee Creek Restoration, TN/NC_FY17 Project
Dam Removal on the East Branch of the Passumpsic River, VT_FY17 Project
Culvert Replacement in the West Musquash Tributary. ME_FY18 Project
Bowman Creek, PA
Wolf Den Run Final Report 2021
Friends of Winooski River completion report 2022
Peterson Pond Dam Removal completion report 11/24/2020
Federal infrastructure funding
Science and Data
Update to the EBTJV assessment
EBTJV 2016 Catchment and Patch Data
2016 Patch map
EBTJV State Maps and Resources
Eastern Brook Trout Health Map (Trout Unlimited)
Aquatic Organism Passage I&A and state design guidelines
Modified Culvert Inventory and Assessment Protocol
Chesapeake Fish Passage Prioritization: An Assessment of Dams in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
Northeast Aquatic Connectivity: An Assessment of Dams on Northeastern Rivers.
SEACAP: Southeast Aquatic Connectivity Assessment Project: Assessing the ecological impact of dams on Southeastern rivers.
State Sream Crossing Guidelines
Brook Trout Related Publications
Distribution, Status, and Land Use Characteristics of Subwatersheds within the Native Range of Brook Trout in the Eastern United States
Assessment and predictive model for brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) population status in the eastern United States
Estimating size-specific brook trout abundance in continuously sampled headwater streams using Bayesian mixed models with zero inflation and overdispersion
Predicting Brook Trout Occurrence in Stream Reaches throughout their Native Range in the Eastern United States
The Importance of Scale: Assessing and Predicting Brook Trout Status in its Southern Native Range
Dynamics and regulation of the southern brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) population in an Appalachian stream
Population Response to Habitat Fragmentation in a Stream-Dwelling Brook Trout Population
Population regulation of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in Hunt Creek, Michigan: a 50-year study
What predicts the use by brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) of terrestrial invertebrate subsidies in headwater streams?
Geomorphic, Flood, and Groundwater-Flow Characteristics of Bayfield Peninsula Streams, Wisconsin, and Implications for Brook-Trout Habitat
Acid Mine Drainage and Effects on Fish Health and Ecology: A Review
Response of fish assemblages to declining acidic deposition in Adirondack Mountain lakes, 1984-2012
Broad-Scale Patterns of Brook Trout Responses to Introduced Brown Trout in New York
Evaluating the Trade-Offs between Invasion and Isolation for Native Brook Trout and Nonnative Brown Trout in Pennsylvania Streams
Impacts of Exotic Rainbow Trout on Habitat Use by Native Juvenile Salmonid Species at an Early Invasive Stage
Conservation Genetics of Remnant Coastal Brook Trout Populations at the Southern Limit of Their Distribution: Population Structure and Effects of Stocking
The influence of land cover composition and groundwater on thermal habitat availability for brook trout populations
Individual behaviour and resource use of thermally stressed brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis portend the conservation potential of thermal refugia
Linking movement and reproductive history of brook trout to assess habitat connectivity in a heterogeneous stream network
Brook Trout Movement in Response to Temperature, Flow, and Thermal Refugia within a Complex Appalachian Riverscape
Fall and Early Winter Movement and Habitat Use of Wild Brook Trout
The temperature–productivity squeeze: constraints on brook trout growth along an Appalachian river continuum
A regional neural network ensemble for predicting mean daily river water temperature
Quantifying the effect of semi-natural riparian cover on stream temperatures: implications for salmonid habitat management
Efficacy of Environmental DNA to Detect and Quantify Brook Trout Populations in Headwater Streams of the Adirondack Mountains, New York
Understanding environmental DNA detection probabilities: A case study using a stream-dwelling char Salvelinus fontinalis
A Protocol for Collecting Environmental DNA Samples From Streams
Environmental DNA Sampling Informs Fish Eradication Efforts: Case Studies and Lessons Learned
An Economic Analysis of Improved Road‐Stream Crossings
Technical Guide for Field Practitioners: Understanding and Monitoring Aquatic Organism Passage at Road-Stream Crossings
Northeast Aquatic Connectivity - An Assessment of Dams on Northeastern Rivers
Chesapeake Fish Passage Prioritization: An Assessment of Dams in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
SEACAP: Southeast Aquatic Connectivity Assessment Project: Assessing the ecological impact of dams on Southeastern rivers
Evaluating the Barrier Assessment Technique Derived from FishXing Software and the Upstream Movement of Brook Trout through Road Culverts
Modified Culvert Inventory and Assessment Protocol
Is motivation important to brook trout passage through culverts?
Evaluation of Wild Brook Trout Populations in Vermont Streams
Evaluation of Catch-and-Release Regulations on Brook Trout in Pennsylvania Streams
Movement Patterns of Brook Trout in a Restored Coastal Stream System in Southern Massachusetts
Metabolic rates of embryos and alevin from a cold-adapted salmonid differ with temperature, population and family of origin: implications for coping with climate change
Probabilistic measures of climate change vulnerability, adaptation action benefits, and related uncertainty from maximum temperature metric selection
Stream Assessment and Monitoring
Brook Trout Genetics Research
Chesapeake Bay Brook Trout Management Strategy-References
A new species of Myxobolus (Myxozoa: Bivalvulida) infecting the medulla oblongata and nerve cord of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis in southern Appalachia (New River, NC, USA)
An updated geographic distribution of Myxobolus cerebralis (Hofer, 1903) (Bivalvulida: Myxobolidae) and the first diagnosed case of whirling disease in wild-caught trout in the south-eastern United States
Wood placement in river restoration: fact, fiction, and future direction
Population genetics of Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in the southern Appalachian Mountains
Conservation and the Genetics of Populations 2nd Edition
Restoration of brook trout across their native range using fish toxicants and electrofishing: are we successful ecologically and socially?
Development of Genetic Baseline Information to Support the Conservation and Management of Wild Brook Trout in North Carolina
Landscape and stocking effects on population genetics of TN brook trout
Ranking Site Vulnerability to Increasing Temperatures in Southern Appalachian Brook Trout Streams in Virginia: An Exposure - Sensitivity Approach
Sensitivity and Vulnerability of Brook Trout Populations to Climate Change
Fragmentation and Patch Size Shape Genetic Structure of Brook Trout Populations
Can brook trout survive climate change in large rivers? If it rains - Merriam et al. 2017
Conservation planning at the intersection of landscape and climate change: brook trout in the Chesapeake Bay watershed
Climate change influence on brook trout populations in the Central Appalachians - Andrew et al. 2022
Beaver: Nature's ecosystem engineers
Using genetic data to advance stream fish reintroduction science: a case study in brook trout
Seasonal streamflow extremes are key drivers of Brook Trout young-of-the-year abundance
Elevated summer temperatures delay spawning reduce redd construction for resident brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)
Symposium Proceedings
Symposium Proceedings
EBTJV 2022 meeting summary, attendees, and links
Chesapeake Bay Program
Brook Trout Outcome Management Strategy 2015–2025, v.1
Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement, 2014
Chesapeake Bay Brook Trout Management Strategy (6-24-15)
2014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement
Whitewater to Bluewater (W2B)
Brook Trout Genetics
Brook trout restoration: non-native species removal and brook trout reintroduction
Brook Trout Climate Resilience Research
EBTJV Reports
Eastern Brook Trout Roadmap to Conservation (2018)
Conserving the Eastern Brook Trout-Action Strategies_January 2018
An Overview of Brook Trout Conservation Projects Supported by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Fish Habitat Action Plan Funds, 2006-2018
EBTJV Salmonid Catchment Assessment and Habitat Patch Layers
EBTJV Conservation Strategy (2011)
EBTJV Roadmap to Restoration (2008)
Eastern Brook Trout: Status and Threats (2006)
Status and Threats Fact Sheets
EBTJV Print Material
Conserving the Eastern Brook Trout: An Overview of Status, Threats, and Trends - 2005
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Brook trout can move a little freer in Maryland's Blue Lick Watershed
Trout Unlimited recently replaced a barrier on a tributary to Blue Lick Run, in the Savage River Watershed, Avilton Maryland.
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Restoration of Riverine Process and Habitat Suitability, Narraguagus River, Beddington, ME
Project added wood and boulder structures to a 0.4-mile reach of the mainstem Narraguagus River, ME, and constructed off channel habitat features.
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2022 Projects
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