Lunch n'Learn: Importance of isolation, drift, and genetics for conservation of native Brook Trout
When |
Feb 06, 2023
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM |
Where | Zoom |
Contact Name | Lori Maloney |
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EBTJV is proud to announce the first edition of "Swimming with Science," a lunch n' learn series. This is an exciting opportunity to discuss the state of science as it applies to brook trout management, with experts. Registration required. For the upcoming webinar, we ask you to view the pre-recorded presentation first - available February 3 on our YouTube channel.
We also invite you to submit questions in advance.
The importance of isolation, drift, and genetics for conservation of native Brook Trout
Monday, February 6, 2023 | 12 - 1 p.m. ET
Across their eastern range, thousands of populations of native Brook Trout are currently restricted to isolated habitats with little to no opportunity for gene flow. Small, isolated populations present special management considerations. From a demographic perspective, these populations are more likely to become extirpated, and there is no opportunity for natural recolonization. There are also unique challenges associated with the genetic management of isolated populations. This presentation will review our current understanding of isolation in wild Brook Trout, with a particular emphasis on how isolation relates to the prospects of wild Brook Trout. In particular, we will address the following questions:
- Why do isolated populations lose genetic diversity?
- Why is genetic diversity important for long-term persistence?
- What role does isolation play in adaptation to changing conditions?
This discussion is designed for conservation practitioners, managers, and the science community that supports brook trout management. Other audiences are welcome.
We hope you can join us and please feel free to share this announcement broadly. Please register using this handy REGISTRATION LINK.
About David Kazyak, PhD.
Dr. Kazyak is a research ecologist at the USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center where he co-directs the Conservation Genetics and Genomics Laboratory. His research applies quantitative approaches in conservation genetics and population dynamics to provide decision-relevant information for imperiled species. Dr. Kazyak's current projects use cutting-edge genetics tools to identify biologically-appropriate management units, measure rates of gene flow, and characterize how isolation, genetic drift, and hatchery supplementation impact wild populations. He also is working to develop novel approaches to census imperiled fishes and using stochastic simulation models to understand how environmental change may influence population dynamics.
About Shannon White, PhD.
Shannon is a fisheries ecologist who combines molecular technologies, novel field methods, and advanced statistical modeling to provide decision-relevant information for species of conservation concern. Much of her research focuses on understanding and mitigating anthropogenic threats to coldwater and anadromous fishes.
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Forests for Fish Workshop
When |
Sep 14, 2024
from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM |
Where | Coltrain, MA |
Contact Name | Emily Boss |
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The Massachusetts Woodlands Institute, Franklin Lands Trust, and Trout Unlimited are excited to share how the Forests for Fish toolkits are coming along, and to help people in the Deerfield River Watershed region learn more about native fish, habitat restoration and climate resilience. We hope you can join us!
Forests for Fish Workshop
Saturday, 9/14/2024
10am – 1pm
Colrain, MA
A workshop and demonstration of coldwater fisheries instream restoration work on Tissdell Brook on private land in Colrain, MA. We will talk about native fish habitat and have a demonstration of ways to help make small coldwater streams better homes for fish, birds and other wildlife.
This work is inspired by collaborations between Franklin Land Trust, their subsidiary Massachusetts Woodlands Institute and Trout Unlimited. These organizations have worked together to create three informational booklets on stream habitat management, called the Forests for Fish toolkit.
Light refreshments will be provided.
To register and learn more about the day visit:
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Lunch n'Learn: Small giants: the critical role small tributaries play in trout ecology
When |
Mar 31, 2023
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM |
Where | Zoom |
Contact Name | Lori Maloney |
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Event #2 of EBTJV's Swimming with Science series. This is an exciting opportunity to discuss the state of science as it applies to brook trout management, with experts. Registration required.
PLEASE NOTE: the format of this learning series is different than the typical webinar. Our speakers record new presentations, you watch it in advance, and the webinar is time for discussion and Q/A. Please watch the pre-recorded presentation first - available March 27 on our YouTube channel.
We also invite you to submit questions in advance. (LINK EDITED)
Small giants: the critical role small tributaries play in trout ecology
Friday, March 31, 2023 | 12 - 1 p.m. ET
Native brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations typically persist in isolated headwater streams, particularly in their southern range. This distribution pattern is common in native salmonids globally. In this presentation, we studied demography and movement of two Japanese landlocked salmonids (white-spotted charr Salvelinus leucomanie japonicus and red-spotted masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae) persisting for > 30 years in a headwater stream network that is highly fragmented due to low-head dams in the mainstem (six impassable infrastructures in a < 500 m segment). We marked individuals and tracked them annually for 9 years to investigate why these populations persisted despite habitat fragmentation. We found that tributaries supported higher survival rates and movement was asymmetrical from the tributaries to the mainstem. Accordingly, the tributaries rescued these populations from extirpation, although the tributaries (2 m wide) occupied only 12 or 18% of the study stream network by surface area. The tributaries harboured more physically and hydraulically complex instream habitats (i.e., higher wood density and flow refugia), indicating that habitat quality was more important than habitat size in generating the spatial population dynamics.
Dr. Kanno will use these findings to discuss management implications and the importance of protecting small tributaries for native trout populations, including brook trout.
The format of this webinar will be a an hour of Q/A and discussion. For the upcoming webinar, we ask you to view the pre-recorded presentation first - available March 27 on our YouTube channel. The content is aimed at conservation practitioners, managers, and the science community that supports brook trout management. Other audiences are welcome to join and learn.
We hope you can join us and please feel free to share this announcement broadly. Please register using this handy REGISTRATION LINK.
About Yoichiro Kanno, PhD.
Yoichiro has been at Colorado State University since 2017. His research focuses on stream fish population and community ecology, global change ecology, quantitative ecology and conservation genetics. He was born and grew up in Tokyo, Japan, and received BA in law from Meiji University, Tokyo, a Master of Environmental Studies degree from Dalhousie University, Canada, and a Ph.D. degree from University of Connecticut.
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Workshop: Understanding Genetics for Successful Conservation and Restoration of Resilient Chesapeake Bay Brook Trout Populations
When |
Dec 31, 2020
from 12:00 AM to 12:00 AM |
Where | Thorpe Wood, Thurmont MD |
Contact Name | Meg Cole |
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Traditionally, fisheries management has focused on the abundance, distribution, and size structure of populations. Although these factors remain key aspects of management, a large and growing body of evidence highlights the importance of genetics in conserving wild populations, especially when populations are small and isolated (Frankham et al. 2017). Local adaptations are very common among fishes and help populations cope with specific conditions in their local environment (Fraser et al. 2011). The field of conservation genetics and genomics is highly technical and has advanced rapidly in recent years, offering a wealth of information to support brook trout conservation and restoration. A major impediment to successfully incorporating these advances into conservation outcomes is that most fisheries managers have only a basic understanding of fish genetics and its relevance to their management decisions.
The two-day workshop will bring experts in the field of fish and brook trout genetics together with fishery managers and practitioners to provide the latter with the both the general knowledge of fish genetics and recent scientific advances. The main objectives are to: (1) communicate the importance of genetic information for Brook Trout management and review key conservation genetics concepts and (2) explore available genetics datasets and explain how they can be used to support management.
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