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You are here: Home / Projects / 2006 - 2018 Projects / 2010 Projects / Restoring Stream Connectivity in the WB Machias River in Maine

Restoring Stream Connectivity in the WB Machias River in Maine

Project SHARE and the Service completed a basin wide stream-road crossing and fisheries assessment in the WB Machias River. There are 43 fish bearing road crossings in this subbasin that limit aquatic connectivity. To date, 11 crossing have been replaced and 8 crossings have been decommissioned. Funding has been secured to remove all but two of the remaining barriers. This project will remove one of those last two barriers in the basin, reconnecting approximately 0.5 miles of habitat for brook trout and restore ecological stream function.

Photo of the inlet at the upstream end of the culvert on WB Machias in Maine.

Photo of the inlet at the upstream end of the culvert on WB Machias in Maine

Associated Locations

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Name of barrier Latitude Longitude FONS ID FIS Project ID FWS Acc. #

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