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North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative

The North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative (NAACC) is a network of individuals from universities, conservation organizations, and state and federal natural resource and transportation departments focused on improving aquatic connectivity across a thirteen- state region, from Maine to West Virginia. The NAACC has developed common protocols and training for assessing road-stream crossings (culverts and bridges) and developed a regional database for this field data. The information collected is then used to identify high priority bridges and culverts for upgrade and replacement. The tool supports planning and decision-making by providing information about where restoration projects are likely to bring the greatest improvements in aquatic connectivity and has a subwatershed prioritization map to help focus survey efforts in the project area, as well as a customizable prioritization component for use with ArcGIS Desktop. NAACC partners have also compiled resources, tools, and best practices from organizations around the country covering a wide range of topics related to addressing aquatic connectivity.

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